5 Steps: Refund a Partially Used E-Ticket in Amadeus

If you've ever wondered how to get a refund for a partially used e-ticket, you're in the right place. Whether you're an experienced travel agent or a beginner, understanding the process can save you time and frustration. 

Let’s break it down step by step:

1. Check the Status of E-Ticket Coupons

Before initiating a refund, ensure that all e-ticket coupons related to the refund have an “open for use” status (O). This means they are eligible for a refund. Confirm that the ticket can indeed be refunded.

2. Know the Fare Amount

Find out the exact fare amount you want to refund. This includes both the base fare and any used fare.

For Example:

The Base Fare (F) of the ticket: PKR 104990

The Fare that is  Used (U) : PKR 78850

3. Understand Refundable Taxes

Identify which taxes can be refunded. Additionally, check if any cancellation penalties or fees apply.

For Example:

Fully Utilized and non refundable taxes: 

(T2) PKR 5000RG, (T3) PKR 2000SP(T4) PKR 2800YD, (T5) PKR 2352E3

Partial used Refundable taxes: 

(T1) PKR 2482YR, (T6) PKR 4045IO, (T10) PKR 376ZR

Non Utilized Refundable Taxes: 

(T9) PKR 376TP, (T8) PKR 2628F6 (T7) PKR5631AE

Cancellation penalty (CP) fee: PKR 11370

4. Initiate the Refund

Retrieve the Refund Record:

Enter the record by ticket number (TRF065-9243754229) or from the Passenger Name Record (PNR) by the ticket FA line number (e.g., TRF/L11).

Update the Refund Record:

Enter: TRFU/U78850 to update the amount of the used fare.

Enter: TRFU/CP11370A to include the cancellation penalty amount.

Display Refundable Taxes:

Enter: TRFT to view the refundable taxes panel.

Delete Non-Refundable Taxes:

Use: TRFU/TX2-5 to remove non-refundable taxes ( RG, SP, YD, and E3).

Update Refundable Taxes:

Use: TRFU/TU1-2482 to adjust tax amounts (updating YR with a refundable amount of PKR2482.00 from PKR4964).

Use: TRFU/TU6-4045 to adjust tax amounts (updating IO with a refundable amount of PKR4045.00 from PKR8090).

Use: TRFU/TU10-376 to adjust tax amounts ( updating YR with a refundable amount of PKR376.00 from PKR752).

Note: The tax reference number will change after deleting utilized taxes. Carefully check the tax references when updating partially used taxes. The provided tax reference number is for illustration purposes only.

5. Final Steps

Redisplay the Refund Record: 

Enter TRF to see the updated refund details.

Cross-check Your Calculated Refund Amount and Process: 

Before processing the refund, ensure the calculated refund amount matches your expectations. 

If it does not match, you can ignore it and start fresh by entering TRFIG

If it matches, proceed with the refund by entering TRFP.

Remember, the process may vary slightly depending on the specific e-ticket and airline policies. Always double-check the rules before proceeding.

Now you’re equipped with the knowledge to handle partially used e-ticket refunds in Amadeus. Safe travels!

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